Daniel Andreas, M. Sc. – Research Associate

Daniel Andreas, M.Sc.

Research Associate

Department of Electrical Engineering
Chair of Autonomous Systems and Mechatronics

Room: Raum 02.030
Paul-Gordan-Str. 3/5
91052 Erlangen

Since March 2021, Daniel Andreas is a doctoral candidate at the chair of Autonomous Systems and Mechatronics at the Department Electrical-Electronic-Communication Engineering of FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. He is currently working on the DFG funded EFFENDI project as well as on the continuous control of mechatronic hand prostheses through neural networks.

Daniel Andreas received his Bachelor’s degree in Medical Engineering with a focus on equipment technology, production engineering, and prosthetics in 2017. In the same year, he did a semester abroad at the California State University Northridge in Mechanical Engineering and finally received his Master’s degree in Medical Engineering in 2020.

Research interest:
human-computer/robot interaction, adaptive control systems, intelligent hand prostheses, deep learning





Key references

A comprehensive list of publications can be found on Research Gate.