Student Assistant (HiWi) for GAS course (8 hrs/week)

We are looking for a student to support the exercises for the Gait Analysis and
Simulation (GAS) course.

Job Description

  • Supervise gait analysis experiments by students (up to 20 experiments, ~3 hrs each)
  • Answer questions during the Q&A sessions throughout the semester (2 hrs per week)
  • Support exercise grading (6 exercises, ~5 hrs)
  • Check and respond to questions on the forum (~.5 hr per week)
  • Job duration: mid-October to mid-February

Please note that the time and workload distribution is uneven throughout the semester, with most of the work expected to take place in November.

Your Profile

  • Ideally, finished the course Gait Analysis and Simulation, or a similar course
  • Highly motivated and excellent organizational skills


Payment will be made according to the remuneration rates of part-time assistants at the FAU
with 8 weekly working hours.

Application Process

To apply, please send your CV, transcript, and a short motivation letter (up to 1 page) to the contacts found below.

Application Deadline: July 31st


Prof. Dr. Anne Koelewijn –

Maria Eleni Athanasiadou, M.Sc. –